I am brand new to the app, so I am adding and editing a LOT to get my collection into this database. The web interface is pretty good with being able to use a keyboard, but this app is pretty lame, really. If not for the great information it provides access to, I would give it only 1 star for managing a collection. I was drawn to this by recommendation and availability of the app - previously used spreadsheet just fine. With the app, I figured I can update my wine inventory while down there in my wine room - rather than bringing a laptop down. Also, the barcode scanning should save me time, right? But, after scanning a barcode or otherwise finding my wine, it takes clicks through 5 different screens to get to where I can actually edit the location of my wine! And, if you are new to using the app, you’ll have to learn to scroll to the bottom of the page where they have cleverly disguised a “Save” button by naming it “Edit Wine”, which sounds like the same thing you have already clicked 3 times to get to that page. Before you learn, you might edit dozens of bottles like me, only to learn that none of the changes were saved. This violates Apple’s UI convention for all apps where changes are immediately applied, but makes some sense, if they gave the save button the right name and didn’t let you leave the page and lose the edits without any confirmation. Oh, and if you are editing multiple vintages of the same wine that you had in a list where you started to drop into edit, you will now have to hit the back button 5 times to get back to that list.
The app is also pretty slow to respond. Those page changes take a few seconds each - and you might have to scroll down to find the next button to descend - but expect scrolling to hang up and then suddenly resume, remembering your finger movements so that it now scrolls much to far and you have to scroll back up - again, jerkily.
Lots of promise. I’m sure once I get it all entered, it might not be so bad. Then I won’t be using it so much.
Touchy guy about CellarTracker